The 100 Day Project


As Australia entered into lockdown in late March 2020 to try and curtail the spread of COVID-19, I decided to take part in The 100 Day Project. This is an annual event that is in its 7th year and attracts participants from all over the globe. It aims to encourage all of us to focus on a creative project everyday for 100 days. I chose to spend time each day creating a new pattern design, or at least start sketching motifs towards a design. So hopefully, developing some awesome patterns for future use! Others chose to write everyday or paint or do whatever their chosen medium happens to be. It was sometimes a challenge to find the time, but that is partly the point - by making time each day, it becomes a habit that will hopefully stick. I found it so enjoyable to build up new designs and skills. It is a great way to post to Instagram daily too.

You can follow my project on Instagram @janeskirrowdesigns and read all about the organisers of the event here.


I’ve joined the Patternfieldapp revolution!